Strategic Website Revamp Puts the Audience First
ECO Canada was founded in 1992 to help nurture Canada’s burgeoning environmental sector. Their mandate is to stimulate environmental career growth in Canada through a variety of programs, such as wage funding, Environmental Professional designation and post-secondary environmental education accreditation..

The Challenge
While containing a wealth of information on its programs and services, ECO Canada’s website was visually and structurally dated, and its organization made it difficult for audiences to find the information they were searching for. This made it very difficult to successfully capture leads and optimize conversions from paid advertising.
The Solution
Beginning with a robust information architecture that was developed in conjunction with the client, Barrel completely revamped and reorganized the ECO Canada website. This included identifying existing content that could be re-incorporated, content that require rewrites, as well as content gaps and missed opportunities. The finished website includes a completely new backend platform, full integration with client CMS and .NET enterprise systems, and fully puts the focus on ECO Canada’s core audiences.